DEFRA and its Executive Agencies have undertaken annual staff performance reviews for all permanent staff over the last five financial years. These comprise formal reviews at mid-year and end-year and informal reviews on an ad hoc basis. Staff appraisal information is held as individual records; this means that collated data cannot be provided without incurring disproportionate cost.
A review of 'unsatisfactory' or similar rating does not directly lead to dismissal: DEFRA and its Executive Agencies have a specific process in place to manage under or poor performance which can be implemented at any time of the year and is not necessarily triggered by the performance marking.
The number of staff dismissals in DEFRA and its Executive Agencies, due to underperformance, over the last five years is in the table and also expressed as a percentage of FTE staff.
Number Percentage 2004-05 5 0.04 2005-06 6 0.04 2006-07 10 0.07 2007-08 1— 1— 2008-09 29 0.26 1 Suppressed on grounds of confidentiality
The term 'managed out' is not used within the civil service, so we have considered this question as applying to redundancies.
Neither DEFRA nor its agencies record whether staff who have been made redundant have remained working in the public sector. We are therefore unable to provide the estimate requested.