There were 34 job vacancies that were filled through external recruitment in the last 12 months. This number includes all types of payroll vacancies apart from those recruited on short-term casual contracts as this data is not collated centrally.
The Department of Business Innovation and Skills was formed in June 2009. The data we have provided relate to 1 April 2009 to March 2010 financial year which includes the former Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) only. We do not have data relating to the former Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) as their external recruitment was delivered by another Government Department.
I have approached the chief executives of the Insolvency Service, Companies House, the National Measurement Office and the Intellectual Property Office and they will respond to the hon. Member directly.
Letter from Tim Moss:
I am replying on behalf of Companies House to your Parliamentary Question tabled 29 January 2010, UIN 315289, to the Minister of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Companies House filled 23 job vacancies through external recruitment in the last 12 months.
Letter from Stephen Speed:
The Minister of State, for the Department Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has asked me to reply to you directly in respect of your question how many job vacancies in his Department and its agencies were filled through external recruitment in the last 12 months.
In the Insolvency Service, 273 job vacancies were filled through external recruitment during the last 12 months.
Letter from Sean Dennehey, dated 4 February 2010:
I am responding in respect of the Intellectual Property Office to your Parliamentary Question tabled 29 January 2010, to the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Since 1 February 2009 the Intellectual Property Office has carried out 23 external recruitment exercises for 26 vacancies.
Letter from Peter Mason, dated 4 February 2010:
I am responding in respect of the National Measurement Office to your Parliamentary Question tabled on 29 January 2010 asking the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, asking how many job vacancies were filled through external recruitment in the last 12 months.
We have filled four vacancies following external recruitment exercises during this period, in all cases following an unsuccessful attempt to fill the post by advertising within the Civil Service.