The Petition of Mr. Martin Burke of Elizabeth Regina Love,
Declares that to effectively represent their constituents Members of Parliament require independence of mind and a good night’s sleep. Further declares that it is unlikely that for example the people of Glasgow would want their representatives to travel to Parliament sleeping on the seats and floors of third class compartments as did James Maxton, who then lived miles away in Putney. And further declares that constituents wish their Members of Parliament to be in good condition to represent them.
Declares that while responsibility for judgements with regard to expenses and other matters may be delegated, those to whom it is delegated remain accountable to Members of Parliament, and Members of Parliament remain responsible and accountable for those judgements. The petitioner requests that the House turn its mind to the challenges facing the country, such as the rise in unemployment and restlessness when there is so much work that needs to be done.
The petitioner requests that the House of Commons bear in mind in its law making the above, and that were the question put the House consent to the request(s) in this Mr. Burke’s 11th petition first posted to the House on 29 December 2009.
And the Petitioner remains, etc.