The Department for Transport was formed in 2002 and therefore no records exist for the Department prior to that date.
The following tables show the electricity, gas and other fuels used by the Department for Transport and its Agencies since 2004-05.
kWh Business unit 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Central Department 8,073,203 9,187,270 8,039,848 7,522,387 7,472,014 Executive Agencies 34,810,758 36,567,277 39,721,844 37,988,465 42,271,338 DfT total 42,883,961 45,754,547 47,761,692 45,510,852 49,743,352
The following table gives the percentage of electricity consumed by the Department that came from renewable resources for each of the last five years.
Percentage Business unit 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 DfT 68 74 66 62.5 53
The reducing percentage of electricity from renewable resources depicted above is as a result of a change in the main supply contract from Buying Solutions which now has a reduced renewable allowance in order to ensure renewable energy is available in the private sector.
kWh Business unit 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Central Department 1,183,339 1,743,451 893,005 970,130 1,144,174 Executive Agencies 29,967,416 46,974,572 42,517,851 48,308,845 52,890,398 DfT total 31,150,755 48,718,023 43,410,856 49,278,975 54,034,572
kWh Business unit 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Central Department 421,858 450,079 448,200 390,760 211,385 Executive Agencies 1,639,613 219,000 2,746,182 2,819,862 2,496,956 DfT total 2,061,471 669,079 3,194,382 3,210,622 2,708,341
Part of the progressive increases shown in the above tables is accounted for by improvements in the standard of data collection.
The following table provides the total annual cost of the energy used in the above tables.
£ Business unit 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Central Department 1,261,721.52 1,931,567.00 1,124,339.31 870,380.58 1,031,824.05 Executive Agencies 2,371,574.30 4,559,976.64 4,237,074.20 5,195,331.01 7,238,984.25 DfT total 3,633,295.82 6,491,543.64 5,361,413.51 6,065,711.59 8,270,808.30
In addition to the above listed energy use the Highways Agency is responsible for the provision of roadside technology and lighting which incurred £23.9 million in energy costs in 2008-09. It is not possible to provide consumption data for this facet of departmental activity.