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Departmental Disciplinary Proceedings

Volume 507: debated on Thursday 11 March 2010

To ask the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills how many (a) disciplinary and (b) capability procedures have been (i) initiated and (ii) completed in his Department and its predecessor in each of the last five years; how much time on average was taken to complete each type of procedure in each such year; how many and what proportion of his Department's staff were subject to each type of procedure in each such year; and how many and what proportion of each type of procedure resulted in the dismissal of the member of staff. (320638)

We are unable to provide the information requested on procedures initiated or average length of time that procedures take as responsibility for commencing capability and minor disciplinary procedures rests with line management across the Department. No records are collated centrally regarding how many procedures are initiated in the Department.

Staff may be dismissed for poor performance, poor attendance, gross misconduct or repeated misconduct. Information for the Department, including any predecessor Departments and data for UK Trade and Investment, in relation to dismissals on these grounds are set out in the following table. Totals of five or less are suppressed on the grounds of confidentiality.

Number of staff dismissed (all reasons)











1 To date. 2 Unable to supply this information under section 40 (personal data) of the Data Protection Act.