The breakdown of UOR vehicles by each type ordered and delivered since 2006 is as follows:
Vehicle Total qty ordered Number of UOR procurements Date of first order Achieved/forecast date of last delivery to MOD/user Qty issued to Purple Gate Qty delivered to land forces Mastiff (1 and 2) 299 5 1 January 2007 2 August 2008 Spring 2011 275 207 Wolfhound 101 2 April 2009 Winter 2010/spring 2011 32 8 Ridgback 177 2 October 2008 Summer 2011 156 125 Jackal (1 and 2) 445 6 July 2007 Winter 2010 332 260 Coyote 76 1 April 2009 Spring 2010 52 36 Husky 333 2 February 2009 Spring 2010 218 86 Snatch Vixen (Plus) 100 1 March 2009 Summer 2010 87 49 Snatch Vixen 32 1 August 2008 Autumn 2008 31 0 Vector 198 5 June 2006 Spring 2011 178 127 Talisman Systems 6 1 July 2008 Spring 2010 0 0 Cougar 30 1 November 2008 Summer 2009 30 30 Warthog 115 2 December 2008 Autumn 2010 4 0 Springer 78 1 December 2008 Summer 2009 78 75 Total 1984 + 6 Talisman systems 30 — — 1,473 1,003
The quantities delivered to land forces are for whole vehicle UOR platforms and do not include details of those vehicles delivered to MOD, awaiting receipt and inspection by land. It should be noted that while land forces is the major recipient of many of these UOR procurements, vehicles are also delivered to other defence users. Also excluded are non UOR vehicles which have had UORs added to them. In addition, I am withholding details of covert vehicles, civilian armoured vehicles, EOD vehicles and special forces procurements as this could compromise operational security.