The information is shown in the following table.
Headcount 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 South East Coast and South Central SHA 941 2,006 2,016 2,006 1,911 1,646 1,552 1,473 South East Coast SHA 201 942 903 971 891 712 696 689 East Sussex Downs and Weald Primary Care Trust (PCT) 5P7 0 91 84 75 81 42 72 70 Eastern and Coastal Kent Teaching PCT 5QA 0 161 150 170 146 151 146 148 Hastings and Rother PCT 5P8 49 48 47 43 46 40 40 40 Medway PCT 5L3 0 71 71 89 85 69 65 58 Surrey PCT 5P5 0 260 236 240 242 200 179 163 West Kent PCT 5P9 111 143 158 154 135 43 49 91 West Sussex Teaching PCT 5P6 41 168 157 200 156 167 145 119 South Central SHA 740 1,064 1,113 1,035 1,020 934 856 784 Berkshire East Teaching PCT 5QG 29 104 100 100 101 96 94 78 Berkshire West PCT 5QF 115 116 117 113 114 111 109 87 Buckinghamshire PCT 5QD 165 178 181 182 176 133 106 103 Hampshire PCT 5QC 148 275 321 275 262 234 217 192 Isle of Wight Healthcare PCT1 5QT 30 29 28 2 19 16 16 19 Milton Keynes PCT 5CQ 49 71 67 54 63 66 64 58 Oxfordshire PCT 5QE 86 172 189 183 164 158 149 157 Portsmouth City Teaching PCT 5FE 43 53 49 51 53 52 53 48 Southampton City PCT 5L1 75 66 61 75 68 68 48 42 Notes: 1. 2001-08 figures are mapped to their current organisational structure. 2. 2000 and previous data do not provide comparative figures to the current organisational structures, and as such are not included in this table. 3. 1It appears that data provided in 2004 were incorrectly coded for this organisation and corrected in subsequent years. 4. Brighton and Hove PCT do not have any health visitors coded on their Non-Medical Census returns for the years provided. 5. Data Quality The NHS Information Centre for health and social care seeks to minimise inaccuracies and the effect of missing and invalid data but responsibility for data accuracy lies with the organisations providing the data. Methods are continually being updated to improve data quality where changes impact on figures already published. This is assessed but unless it is significant at national level figures are not changed. Impact at detailed or local level is footnoted in relevant analyses. Source: The Information Centre for health and social care Non-Medical Workforce Census.