The information requested is shown in the following table.
Infectious disease Whole-time equivalent (WTE) HIV 2.4 Hepatitis B 0.65 Hepatitis C 1.55
In addition, the Offender Health team provides 0.2 WTE for work on HIV and other blood borne viruses in the prison setting.
(2) how much was spent on surveillance and epidemiology of (a) HIV, (b) hepatitis B and (c) hepatitis C in (i) 2008 and (ii) 2009.
Information on epidemiology and surveillance studies commissioned by the Department is shown by financial year in the following table.
(£) Studies Organisation 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Estimation of hepatitis C related morbidity Health Protection Agency 62,697 5,211 73,423 Prevalence of hepatitis C in antenatal clinic attenders Health Protection Agency 25,852 — — Prevalence of hepatitis C in genito urinary medicine clinic attenders in England Health Protection Agency 25,684 — — Case finding and prevalence of chronic viral hepatitis in South Asians living in the United Kingdom Health Protection Agency 37,349 — — Surveillance of hepatitis C testing Health Protection Agency 125,217 65,267 65,267 Monitoring hepatitis C related care in the NHS: a one year pilot study Health Protection Agency 17,205 65,267 Monitoring and modelling prognosis in the era of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy University of Bristol 42,016 Sexual attitudes and lifestyles of London's Eastern Europeans University College London 72,230 145,957 73,726 Experiences of female migrant sex workers from Eastern Europe and effect of multiple vulnerabilities on risk of Sexual Transmitted Infections/HIV London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 50,776 119,703 34,463 British Paediatric Surveillance Unit - surveillance of HIV Health Protection Agency 3,600 3,600 3,600