The information requested is shown in the following table. The figures shown are the average for January 2010 and have been rounded to the nearest aircraft.
“In service” has been taken to mean the effective fleet, which includes all aircraft barring those which are redundant, declared as surplus or awaiting disposal. The Forward Fleet comprises aircraft which are serviceable and those which are short-term unserviceable. Short-term unserviceable aircraft are undergoing minor works, forward maintenance or any other unforeseen rectification work that can arise on a day-to-day basis. Serviceable aircraft available to the front-line commands for operational and training purposes on a given date are termed available. The number of aircraft available in individual fleets varies according to normal fleet management activities including requirements for mandated maintenance and upgrade programmes and the larger variations are explained in the table.
Aircraft type In service fleet Forward fleet Available Notes BAe 146 2 1 1 BAe 125 6 6 4 C-17 6 5 4 Dominie 9 7 5 Harrier 74 50 48 The Harrier fleet continues to progress with the GR9 upgrade programme. Hawk T1 129 85 68 A number of Hawk T1 aircraft are being held in long-term storage for future use by the RAF Aerobatic Team (Red Arrows) and others require depth servicing. Hawk T2 17 6 3 Hawk T2 aircraft being held are in storage pending the introduction of a new flying training course. Hercules C130K 14 7 5 A number of aircraft in the K fleet were in depth maintenance. Hercules C130J 24 18 12 For the J Fleet, aircraft were in depth maintenance, on trials or undergoing unscheduled maintenance or rectification after returning from operational theatres. Nimrod MR2 6 5 2 The number of aircraft in the service fleet is being reduced as the out of service date approaches. Other issues include work generated through safety inspections and to maintain serviceability. Nimrod R1 2 1 1 One Nimrod R1 has been retired and is awaiting disposal. Sentinel 5 3 1 The Sentinel fleet was affected by a technical issue, which is now being resolved. Sentry 5 4 2 The Sentry fleet had an unanticipated requirement for fleet engine changes in December which was still being implemented during January. Tornado F3 22 12 12 Tornado F3 numbers are being reduced as the aircraft is progressively withdrawn from service. Tornado GR4 137 102 98 Tristar 9 5 3 Tucano 93 47 32 A number of Tucano aircraft are being held in long term storage as they are not required for training purposes. Typhoon 64 42 40 Tranche 2 aircraft deliveries continue and some of the in-service fleet are currently undergoing a process of upgrade. VC10 15 13 6 As a result of the severe weather conditions during January there were occasions when aircraft movements around the airfield were reduced. As a consequence aircraft repairs and maintenance tasks took longer than normal thereby reducing availability. Vigilant 65 64 64 Viking 82 81 81