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Armed Forces: Cadets

Volume 507: debated on Wednesday 17 March 2010

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how much funding has been allocated to cadet forces in Shrewsbury for 2010-11. (322273)

The information is not held centrally.

Funding for any particular area comes from a wide variety of sources including the single services, the use of subsidised facilities, and local donations and fundraising efforts. To determine how much funding has been allocated to a specific unit would require a manual search of records and would therefore incur disproportionate cost.

The Government remain committed to the Cadet Organisation whose origins date back 150 years. It is one of the oldest and most successful voluntary youth organisations in the world. Today it numbers 131,000 young people, led by 25,000 adult volunteers, in well over 3,000 sites across the country.