(2) what percentage of year 11 pupils at state schools in Leeds West constituency achieved five or more grade A* to C GCSEs in each year since 1992.
The requested figures are provided in the following table for all maintained schools including academies and City Technology Colleges. Figures before 1997 can be provided only at disproportionate cost.
Year2 Leeds West constituency (school location based) Leeds local authority 1997 24.2 37.4 1998 20.3 37.9 1999 22.5 39.4 2000 25.2 40.4 2001 20.9 39.6 2002 22.7 42.4 2003 25.7 44.4 2004 26.1 45.4 2005 32.4 49.7 2006 38.7 52.2 2007 40.5 55.9 2008 49.3 62.5 20093 53.0 67.4 1 From 1997/98 includes GNVQ equivalences and from 2003/04 includes other equivalents approved for use pre-16. 2 Percentages are based on pupils aged 15 from 1997 to 2004. From 2005 onwards, percentages are based on pupils at the end of Key Stage 4. 3 Figures for 2009 are based on revised data while earlier years are final figures.