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Insolvency: Gloucestershire

Volume 507: debated on Wednesday 17 March 2010

To ask the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills how many businesses employing (a) fewer than 10, (b) between 10 and 50, (c) between 51 and 100, (d) between 101 and 200, (e) between 201 and 300 and (f) over 300 employees have been declared insolvent in (i) Stroud constituency and (ii) Gloucestershire in each year since 1990. (322789)

Official statistics covering corporate insolvencies are not currently available at a sub-national level within England and Wales.

Additionally, the number of employees is not recorded on the source datasets.

Self-employed traders may be declared bankrupt (or enter into an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA)). While official regional figures down to constituency level for self-employed bankrupts are maintained from calendar year 2000, the number of employees (if any) is not available.