The Department of Health’s overall departmental expenditure limit (DEL) is unchanged from the written statement made on 23 February 2010, Official Report, column 40WS, at £105,564,260,000, the administration cost limit is unchanged at £218,191,000. The impact on resource and capital is set out in the following table:
Voted £m Non-voted £m Voted £m Non-voted £m Total £m Department of Health Resource DEL, of which -100.000 101,795.986 -1,607.778 100,188.208 Administration Budget * 218.191 - 218.191 Near-cash in Resource DEL -100.000 96,935.132 -308.409 96,626.723 Capital DEL 100.000 2,650.151 2,725.901 5,376.052 Total Department of Health DEL 104,446.137 1,118.123 105,564.260 Depreciation ** -902.961 -177.166 -1,080.127 Total Department of Health spending (after adjustment) 103,543.176 940.957 104,484.133 *The total of “administration budget” and “Near cash in Resource DEL” figures may well be greater that the total resource DEL, due to definitions overlapping. **Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since the capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change results from a transfer from the revenue budget to the capital budget of £100,000,000 to meet existing commitments on pandemic flu.