The Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset (SRHAD) has been developed to replace the aggregate KT31 Central Return, which currently provides limited aggregate information on contraception from sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. SRHAD will capture data from all SRH services (formerly known as family planning clinics/community contraceptive clinics) who collect the KT31 data and report them to the NHS Information Centre.
Currently general practitioners and other care settings are not required to capture data for SRHAD. Inclusion of these services within the data standard is being considered for the future.
The Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset (SRHAD) has been developed to capture the services being provided to those attending sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Neither the SRHAD or the KT31 Central Return (which SRHAD replaces) records information on staffing or training within SRH services.
(2) when the implementation of the new Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset will begin.
The Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset (SRHAD) should be implemented from 1 April 2010. However, it is recognised that information technology (IT) systems within sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services will need to be developed and/or reconfigured to enable SRHAD to be collected and reported as required. SRH providers are encouraged to submit SRHAD returns as soon as possible starting from 1 April 2010. However, for sites requiring time to develop IT systems to collect SRHAD they will continue to submit an annual KT31. KT31 will be retired once all SRH sites are able to submit SRHAD, which is anticipated to be achieved by the end of the year 2011-12.
(2) whether the new Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset will include data on removals of long-acting reversible contraceptives.
Removal of long-acting reversible contraceptives will be recorded in the Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset (SRHAD) under the SRH Care Activity data item. A list of all of the data items included in SRHAD has been placed in the Library.