The information requested is set out in the following table:
Allocations/delegations issued to GOL European Programmes Grants to GLA Total 1998-99 — — — l,440 1999-00 — — — 2,202 2000-01 — — — l,605 2001-02 — — — 2,094 2002-03 — — — 2,530 2003-04 — — — 2,724 2004-05 — — — 3,323 2005-06 211 105 2,218 2,534 2006-07 193 92 2,428 2,713 2007-08 108 66 2,559 2,732 2008-09 29 72 48 148 2009-10 20 0 48 68 Notes: 1 We do not hold figures for 1996-1997 and 1997-1998 and do not have a breakdown of expenditure prior to 2005-06. 2. Since 2008-09, funding for the Greater London Authority for TfL and the LDA, which GOL had administered since 2000, is now directly administered by DFT and BIS. 3. From 2009-10 responsibility for European Programmes was transferred to the Greater London Authority. 4. The figures for 2009-10 are allocations rather than expenditure. 5. All figures are rounded.