(2) pursuant to the answer to the hon. Member for Falmouth and Camborne of 24 February 2010, Official Report, column 611W, on Government Offices for the Regions: finance, what the aggregate monetary value was of programme budgets in the most recent year for which figures are available.
The information requested is as follows:
2009-10 Regional Government Office Projected running (admin) costs expenditure Projected Aggregate programme expenditure GO North East 8,673,300 8,966,485 GO North West 11,051,400 37,135,586 GO Yorkshire and Humber 9,049,700 24,492,668 GO West Midlands 11,373,700 12,353,792 GO East Midlands 7,856,600 7,856,265 GO East 8,899,400 13,760,080 GO South East 10,139,500 9,935,892 GO South West 9,625,000 6,403,683 GO London 11,051,100 68,242,781
Programme figures relate solely to programmes which are administered by the GOs on behalf of the 12 sponsoring Departments.
Projected aggregate programme expenditure for 2009-10 excludes European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) expenditure. The details of the ERDF 2000-06 expenditure defrayed in 2009-10 will not be available until September 2010, at the earliest, after the audits are completed by the Director General for Regional Policy-European Commission. ERDF expenditure for 2007-13 is administered by the Regional Development Agency’s (RDAs).
The information requested is shown in the following table.
From 2001-02 the Government Office Network changed the way it accounted for corporate service administration budgets centralising the Information Communication Technology budgets rather than them being managed by the individual Government Offices. Further centralisation of budgets took place for Learning and Development in 2007-08 and Estates from 2008-09.
Government Office 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 North East 8,687.15 8,616.75 8,618.84 8,312.05 8,197.33 9,002.29 9,954.46 North West¹ 9,839.09 9,442.59 13,690.13 13,048.58 13,651.03 15,344.87 15,523.52 Merseyside¹ 4,349.95 4,199.53 12.24 — — — — Yorks and Humber 8,765.04 8,475.01 8,683.92 8,888.68 9,357.48 10,036.85 10,943.77 West Midlands 10,040.37 9,757.79 9,474.35 9,330.15 9,960.76 10,295.51 10,662.85 East Midlands 6,616.67 6,436.24 6,754.39 6,951.28 7,335.77 8,244.80 8,713.24 East 6,168.97 6,270.62 6,269.43 7,005.47 7,542.48 8,631.95 9,355.85 South West 7,140.74 6,825.73 6,985.03 7,796.87 8,711.38 10,666.90 11,860.77 South East 8,406.18 8,544.99 8,561.40 8,658.61 9,477.26 10,326.44 10,874.74 London 14,106.47 13,458.82 13,238.12 13,715.79 13,860.98 13,161.20 14,038.84 Corporate Services² 1,696.34 4,355.96 3,095.29 3,702.74 4,732.81 9,507.95 7,531.60 Total 85,816.97 86,384.03 85,383.14 87,410.22 92,827.28 105,218.76 109,459.64
Government Office 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 North East 12,167.24 13,887.09 13,138.16 12,730.25 11,826.45 10,178.90 8,673.30 North West¹ 16,808.94 17,777.86 17,745.45 16,933.67 16,095.53 12,184.09 11,051.40 Merseyside¹ — — — — — — — Yorks and Humber 12,480.23 13,453.18 13,494.30 10,676.64 13,447.21 8,922.60 9,049.70 West Midlands 13,381.47 15,286.08 14,497.15 14,925.87 15,000.75 10,834.07 11,373.70 East Midlands 11,153.67 11,937.13 12,530.66 11,490.17 10,857.39 8,873.74 7,856.60 East 12,841.51 15,075.61 13,296.12 12,211.64 11,398.50 9,109.56 8,899.40 South West 13,960.23 14,724.92 14,823.08 13,677.13 13,763.68 10,461.02 9,625.00 South East 14,099.03 14,372.51 14,624.51 14,570.49 13,105.84 10,559.56 10,139.50 London 16,654.91 18,870.09 18,483.70 17,595.20 16,198.99 11,811.52 11,051.10 Corporate services² 14,988.76 13,389.19 14,693.52 16,348.41 16,743.70 39,217.91 37,230.04 Total 138,535.98 148,773.66 147,326.65 141,159.47 138,438.04 132,152.97 124,949.74 ¹ GO-North West and GO-Merseyside merged during 1998-1999. ² From 2001-02 the Government Office Network changed the way it accounted for corporate service administration budgets centralising the Information Communication Technology budgets rather than them being managed by the individual Government Offices. Further centralisation of budgets took place for Learning and Development in 2007-08 and Estates from 2008-09.