Smoking shelters have been installed over the last five years on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) UK estate as follows:
Smoking shelters installed 2005-06 None 2006-07 Two shelters for Hanslope Park purchased and installed at an approximate cost of £3,500 each 2007-08 None 2008-09 None purchased but one existing shelter at Hanslope Park moved to more appropriate location at a cost of approximately £1,000 2009-10 Four shelters purchased and installed at Hanslope Park, two at a cost of £5,765 each, one at a cost of £4,693 and one at a cost of £4,681
Shelters have been installed in line with the FCO’s Smoking Policy which permits smoking in designated areas only, away from buildings.
The provision of this information for the overseas estate could be provided only at disproportionate cost.