The amount spent on promotional items carrying the Departments and its agencies branding and logo in the last five years is as follows:
Home Office and UK Border Agency
The requested information is not held centrally and cannot be provided without incurring disproportionate cost.
Figures for the Identity and Passport Agency and Criminal Records Bureau are shown in the following tables.
Amount (£) 2008 Promotional stationary for the UK Passport Service for Five Nations Passport Issuers Conference 2,437 2009 Idsmart pens and plastic oyster card wallets 3,927 2010 General Register Office mousemats 1,779.62
Amount (£) 28 March 2006 1,200 black pens with CRB contact information 445.00 10 May 2006 1,200 black pens with CRB contact information 445.00 4 September 2008 30 crystal pyramids and 1,000 black pens with CRB logo 839.00 10 November 2008 30 crystal pyramids and 1,000 black pens with CRB logo 865.60 19 March 2009 4,000 black pens and 4,000 a4 card folders with CRB logo 4,883.00 27 January 2010 1,200 desk calendars with CRB logo 997.50 27 January 2010 CRB image bank costs 475.00