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Railways: Construction

Volume 508: debated on Tuesday 6 April 2010

To ask the Minister of State, Department for Transport (1) whether he has made an estimate of the number of business premises in (a) the parish of Coldharbour, (b) the parish of Aylesbury, (c) the parish of Stoke Mandeville, (d) the parish of Ellesborough, (e) the parish of Wendover, (f) the parish of Great Missenden and (g) the county of Buckinghamshire which lie within (i) 100, (ii) 200, (iii) 300, (iv) 400 and (v) 500 metres of his Department's preferred route for High Speed Two; and if he will make a statement; (322932)

(2) whether he has made an estimate of the number of dwellings in (a) the parish of Coldharbour, (b) the parish of Aylesbury, (c) the parish of Stoke Mandeville, (d) the parish of Ellesborough, (e) the parish of Wendover, (f) the parish of Great Missenden and (g) the county of Buckinghamshire which lie within (i) 100, (ii) 200, (iii) 300, (iv) 400 and (v) 500 metres of his Department's preferred route for High Speed Two; and if he will make a statement.

[holding answer 18 March 2010]: The effects of the recommended route on properties will be made available as part of the Appraisal of Sustainability (AoS), on which work is continuing. The AoS will be published later in the year in order to inform the formal public consultation which we expect to launch in the autumn. The Government will write to the owners of relevant properties at this time. Additional design work will be required to refine HS2 Ltd's proposals, and this would be likely to reduce the number of properties affected.

To ask the Minister of State, Department for Transport if he will send a copy of the consultation document on the Exceptional Hardship Scheme for the London-Birmingham high speed rail link to (a) each franchise that his Department considers may qualify for the scheme and (b) each parish council in which one or more such household is located. (325177)

[holding answer 30 March 2010]: Copies of the consultation document on the proposed Exceptional Hardship Scheme have been sent to the parties listed at Annex B in the consultation document. The National Association of Local Councils, which represents the 8,500 town and parish councils in England, was sent copies of the consultation materials. Any interested party can respond to the consultation.

Copies of the consultation document are available on the Department for Transport's website at:

and can be ordered free of charge from DfT Publications (0300 123 1102) or

To ask the Minister of State, Department for Transport (1) if he will publish the reports of all passenger demand modelling (a) undertaken and (b) commissioned by his Department on the proposed HS2 routes; (325389)

(2) if he will publish the results of the investigations which have been made into the effect of modal switch in the context of passenger demand modelling for HS2; what methodology was used in the investigation; and if he will make a statement.

All work commissioned and undertaken on demand modelling and on modal switch for HS2 Ltd.’s report was published alongside the Government’s Command Paper on 11 March. In particular, I refer the hon. Member to HS2 Ltd.’s “Demand and Appraisal Report”, published on the Department for Transport website at: