A list of consultants that have been engaged by Remploy since March 2008 is provided in the following list. Total spending by Remploy on consultants between April 2008 and the end of February 2010 was £5.28 million.
This expenditure reflects the additional costs of implementing Remploy's five-year modernisation plan including new IT infrastructure; the growth of Remploy's Employment Services branch network to meet Remploy's modernisation target to increase the number of disabled people into work to 20,000 by the end of 2012-13; and to deliver new contracts including the Flexible New Deal. The company expects the figures from 2010-11 to be substantially lower.
Consultants engaged by Remploy since March 2008
Ability Net Technical Centre
Ashutosh Khate
A Smarter Splash Limited
Barnett Waddingham
Bray Leino Ltd.
C11 (Hampshire) Ltd.
Carley Consult Ltd.
Caruso Consulting Ltd.
CIPD Enterprises Limited
Creation Interactive
Deloitte MCS Limited
Fleet Lifeline Ltd.
Focus EAP
Gareth Matthews
Good Relations Wales
Hay Group Management Limited
Ian Blake
Impact Executives
Infor Global Solutions
Johnson Controls Limited
Lionel Zetter
Mercuri Urval Limited
M Linell
Nine Feet Tall
One To One Coaches Ltd.
Penna plc
Resilient Risk and Strategy Management
Social Firms UK Ltd.
Systems Consultants Services
The Leadership Factor
Vistorm Ltd.
Youd Andrews
The list and total cost does not include external recruitment providers used by Remploy to recruit staff, for example to their branch offices.