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GCSE and GCE A-level

Volume 508: debated on Wednesday 7 April 2010

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many and what percentage of comprehensive schools did not enter any students for (a) physics, (b) chemistry and (c) biology GCSE in the last year for which figures are available. (304901)

Of the 2,741 comprehensive schools published in the 2009 Achievement and Attainment Tables that have at least one pupil on roll at the end of Key Stage 4:

1,296 (47.3 per cent.) entered no pupils for GCSE physics.

1,302 (47.5 per cent.) entered no pupils for GCSE chemistry

1,247 (45.5 per cent.) entered no pupils for GCSE biology

The Government have introduced a statutory entitlement for all pupils in maintained schools1 to be able to study at least two science GCSEs, specifically this includes core and additional science or the three separate science GCSEs of physics, chemistry and biology.

1 Not including Academies and City Technology Colleges.

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many schools achieved GCSE results above the national average in the most recent period for which figures are available; and how many such schools in (a) Leicester, (b) the east midlands and (c) England are scheduled to be closed in 2010. (312228)

In maintained schools in England in 2009, 50.7 per cent. of pupils at the end of key stage 4 achieved five or more GCSEs at grade A*-C or the equivalent, including English and mathematics GCSEs.

The following table counts the number of schools performing above this average.


East Midlands


Number of maintained schools performing above average




of which have been approved for closure in 2010





1. The seven schools in Leicester are included in the count of schools in east midlands, which are included in the England count.

2. The school approved for closure is in Rochdale local authority and is to address an issue of surplus places there.

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many and what percentage of eligible pupils received five A* to C grades at GCSE including English and mathematics but excluding equivalents in (a) local authority schools and (b) academies where the per capita spend per pupil was (i) up to £4,500, (ii) from £4,501 to £5,000, (iii) from £5,001 to £5,500 and (d) more than £5,500 in the most recent year for which figures are available. (312790)

The following tables provide a breakdown of the number and percentage of pupils achieving five or more A* to C grades in their GCSEs by the end of key stage 4, banded by expenditure per pupil in local authority maintained secondary schools and academies respectively.

Number and percentage of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 achieving five GCSEs at grade A* to C, excluding equivalents, including English and maths GCSEs, banded by expenditure1, 2 per pupil3 in authority maintained secondary schoolsExpenditure based on cash terms figures as reported by local authorities as at 10 March 2010Expenditure per pupil3Number of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 achieving five or more GCSEs at grade A* to C, excluding equivalents, including English and maths GCSEs4Percentage of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 achieving five or more GCSEs at grade A* to C, excluding equivalents, including English and maths GCSEs4Less than or equal to £4,500112,70660.8More than £4,500 and less than or equal to £5,00087,24751.7More than £5,000 and less than or equal to £5,50037,60442.1More than £5,50036,69734.8 1 School based expenditure includes only expenditure incurred directly by the schools. This includes the pay of teachers and school-based support staff, school premises costs, books and equipment, and certain other supplies and services, less any capital items funded from recurrent spending and income from sales, fees and charges and rents and rates. This excludes the central cost of support services such as home to school transport, local authority administration and the financing of capital expenditure.2 Total expenditure is based upon the financial year 2008-09.3 Pupil numbers include all those pupils attending maintained establishments and are drawn from the 2009 DCSF Annual Schools Census.4 Including attempts and achievements in previous academic yearsNotes:1. These figures cover only maintained schools and only those for which both 2008-09 financial data and 2009 academic achievement data are available.2. The number of schools within each banding (ascending) are 934, 857, 479 and 686 respectively.Source:Financial data are taken from local authorities’ 2008-09 Children, Schools and Families Outturn Statements (formally section 52) submitted to the DCSF while pupil numbers are drawn from the DCSF January 2009 Schools Census. GCSE details are from the Achievement and Attainment Tables (AAT).

Number and percentage of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 achieving five A* to C grades at GCSE, excluding equivalents, including English and maths GCSEs, banded by expenditure1 per pupil in academies2

Expenditure1 per pupil

Number of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 achieving five or more GCSEs at grade A* to C, excluding equivalents, including English and maths GCSEs3

Percentage of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 achieving five or more GCSEs at grade A* to C, excluding equivalents, including English and maths GCSEs3

Less than or equal to £4,500



More than £4,500 and less than or equal to £5,000



More than £5,000 and less than or equal to £5,500



More than £5,500



1 Academy allocations include a VAT grant and a Local Authority Central Services Equivalent Grant (LACSEG), local authority maintained schools do not receive these grants. Academies receive a VAT grant because they incur VAT on purchases and services, whereas local authority maintained schools in general do not or can reclaim it. LACSEG is paid to academies to enable them to purchase/provide services normally funded and provided to maintained schools from the local authority’s central budget, which an academy does not have access to.

2 The number of schools within each banding (ascending) are 1, 11, 29 and 81 respectively.

3 Including attempts and achievements in previous academic years.


GCSE details are from the Achievement and Attainment Tables (AAT).

The Government and local authorities allocate significant additional funds to schools that support deprived pupils, who tend to achieve less well than their more advantaged peers. This is reflected in the data. It remains a high Government priority, as set out in “Investing for the future, protecting the front line: school funding 2011-13” (published on 15 March 2010), to ensure that additional funds go towards children who need extra support to reach their potential, so that the gap between the attainment of disadvantaged children and the rest continues to narrow. Further, many local authorities choose to give additional funding to schools based on low attainment or low prior attainment.

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many pupils who gained five GCSEs at grades A* to C including English and mathematics did so by passing a qualification equivalent to one or more GCSEs in 2009. (315530)

In 2009, out of the 316,050 pupils at the end of key stage 4 who achieved five or more GCSEs at grades A* to C including English and mathematics (including equivalents), 12,170 did so by passing a qualification equivalent to one or more GCSEs.

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many pupils obtaining five GCSEs (a) at grades A* to C and (b) at grades A* to C including English and mathematics also received an equivalent qualification worth (i) four GCSEs and (ii) two GCSEs in each of the last five years; and if he will make a statement. (316170)

The requested figures are given in the following table.






Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 achieving 5+ GCSEs at grade A*-C or the equivalent and at least one:

Qualification1 equivalent2 to two GCSEs






Qualification equivalent2 to four GCSEs






Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 achieving 5+ GCSEs at grade A*-C or the equivalent including English and maths GCSE and at least one:

Qualification1 equivalent2 to two GCSEs






Qualification equivalent2 to four GCSEs






1 Other than a GCSE double award.

2 Equivalent qualifications counted have been passed but not necessarily at the level of A*-C.

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many and what proportion of pupils in (a) comprehensive and (b) maintained schools (a) sat GCSEs, excluding equivalents in English, English literature, history, at least two sciences, a modern language and mathematics and (b) obtained grade C or higher in each subject in 2009. (318159)

GCSE excluding equivalents results1 for pupils2 who sat English, English literature, history, at least two sciences, a modern language and mathematics in 2009Number of pupils enteredPercentage of pupils enteredNumber of pupils achieving grade C or abovePercentage of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 achieving grade C or aboveComprehensive schools72,11713.945,3048.7Maintained schools3,484,70614.655,9489.7 1 Revised data.2 Figures are for pupils at the end of Key Stage 4.3 Includes pupils attending all maintained mainstream schools including Academies and City Technology Colleges.4 Figures for comprehensive schools are included in those for maintained schools.Source:School and College Achievement and Attainment Tables

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many and what proportion of pupils in (a) comprehensive and (b) maintained schools sat English, English literature and mathematics GCSE examinations, excluding equivalents in 2009; and how many and what proportion of such pupils obtained grade C or above in each subject. (318160)

The information requested is provided in the following table:

GCSE excluding equivalents results1 for pupils2 who sat English, English literature and mathematics—2009

Number of pupils entered

Percentage of pupils entered as a proportion of all pupils

Number of pupils achieving grade C or above

Percentage of pupils achieving grade C or above

Comprehensive schools





Maintained schools3





1 Revised data.

2 Figures are for pupils at the end of Key Stage 4.

3 Includes pupils attending all maintained mainstream schools including Academies and City Technology Colleges.


School and College Achievement and Attainment Tables

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families pursuant to the answer of 22 February 2010, Official Report, column 309W, on GCSE A-level, how many white (a) boys and (b) girls eligible for free school meals achieved three A grades at A-level in the earliest year for which figures are available. (319075)

[holding answer 1 March 2010]: 2003 is the earliest year of which figures are available.

36 (3.8 per cent.) white British boys and 58 (4.7 per cent.) white British girls eligible for free school meals achieved three or more A grades at A-level. Percentages indicated are of white British students eligible for free school meals of the appropriate gender who were entered for at least one GCE/VCE/Applied A-Level and Double Awards in 2003.

The figures relate to 16 to 18-year-olds (age at start of academic year, i.e. 31 August 2002) in maintained schools only who were eligible for free school meals. The figures do not include the achievement of students in further education sector colleges previously eligible for free school meals.

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families what percentage of pupils in (a) comprehensive and (b) maintained schools who achieved at least five grades A* to C at GCSE achieved one or more such grades in business studies, music technology, child development, hairdressing, construction, health and social care, sociology, media, travel and tourism, performing arts and hospitality and catering in each of the last five years. (319684)

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many and what percentage of pupils following a GCSE course achieved a B grade or higher in both GCSE mathematics and English excluding equivalent qualifications in 2009. (319938)

The information requested is given in the following table for the academic year 2008/09.

The number and percentage of pupils1 at the end of Key Stage 4 achieving Grade B or higher in both GCSE Mathematics and English, excluding equivalents, in2008/092

Pupils achieving Grade B or higher in both GCSE Maths and English, excluding equivalents.






1 Pupils attending maintained schools only including City Technology Colleges and Academies.

2 Data is revised.


AS Levels not included.


National Pupil Database

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families (1) how many pupils in (a) comprehensive and (b) independent schools in each constituency were entered for GCSE examinations in (i) physics, (ii) biology and (iii) chemistry in the latest year for which figures are available; (324548)

(2) how many and what proportion of 16 to 18-year- old candidates in each constituency entered for level 3 qualifications at least equivalent to one GCE or Applied GCE A-level in (a) comprehensive schools, (b) all maintained schools and further education sector colleges and (c) all independent schools achieved three or more A grades at GCE/Applied GCE A-level and double awards in (i) 1997 and (ii) the latest year for which figures are available.

The information requested on the number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 attending (a) comprehensive and (b) independent schools entered for GCSEs in (i) physics, (ii) biology and (iii) chemistry by parliamentary constituency in 2008/09 has been placed in the House of Commons Library.

The information available on the proportion and number of 16-18 year old pupils in each parliamentary constituency entered for GCE/Applied GCE A-Levels and Double Awards in (a) comprehensive schools, (b) all maintained schools and further education sector colleges and (c) all independent schools who achieved three or more A grades at GCE/Applied GCE A-Level and Double Awards in 2005/06 and 2008/09 has been placed in the House of Commons Library. Information for earlier years can only be produced at disproportionate cost.