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Jordanian Armed Forces: Gifting of Equipment

Volume 600: debated on Monday 12 October 2015

I have today laid before the House a departmental minute describing a package of equipment, with a total value of £2,407,450 which the UK intends to gift to the Jordanian armed forces .

Conventional Jordanian forces lack the agility, as well as the training, equipment and command structures, to allow them to counter emergent threats on their Syrian and Iraqi borders. The new quick reaction force (QRF), a British-led multinational initiative is designed to address this by being able to deploy approximately 500 personnel at speed, to counter the ISIL and extremist threat at Jordan’s borders.

This gift will greatly enhance the QRF’s capacity and comprises a range of non-lethal command and control, manoeuvre and protective equipment.

Gifting is expected to begin soon after the completion of the departmental minute process.
