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Volunteers Bill H L

Volume 84: debated on Thursday 21 June 1900

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House in Committee (according to Order).

Clause 1 agreed to.

Clause 2:—

My Lords, I was under the impression that the noble Marquess the Secretary of State for War did not intend taking the Committee stage of this Bill until Friday, and therefore I have not put down the Amend-mend which it was my intention to move. I will, however, move it in the Standing Committee. The effect of my Amendment will be to leave out Sub-section (b) of Clause 2, and, of course, to consequentially amend the former part of the section. The noble Marquess explained to the House on a former occasion that he considered it desirable that Volunteers should be called out for active service within the limits of the United Kingdom. I do not object to that, but, for the reasons I gave on a recent occasion, I think it very undesirable that Volunteers should be called upon to give an undertaking to serve outside the United Kingdom before circumstances arise which justify a special call for their services.

I understand that the noble Lord does not intend to press his Amendment on this occasion, and therefore I scarcely feel justified in taking up your Lordships' time in commenting upon it. In our view it is desirable that we should place it within the power of Volunteers to assume, if they so desire, a liability for service beyond the limits of the United Kingdom. They have done so lately with great distinction to themselves, and in our view it is not likely that they will consent to deprive themselves of the power of rendering similar services should the opportunity hereafter arise. If that be so, it is clearly our opinion that we should be put in a position to make the necessary arrangements with such Volunteers, not at the last moment and in a hurried fashion, but deliberately and beforehand. That is the reason we have inserted this provision in the Bill, and I confess I should be very sorry indeed if your Lordships decided to get rid of it.

I adhere to the opinion I have already expressed, and I should have preferred to see both (a) and (b) omitted from the clause. I object to them on general grounds—as altering the character of the Volunteer force, as likely to give rise to embarrassment hereafter, and as totally unnecessary, in my opinion, for the purpose which the noble Marquess has in view.

Clause 2 agreed to.

Other clauses agreed to; Bill reported without amendment; and recommitted to the Standing Committee.