asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether there is any means of exchanging 20 pence and 50 pence coinage from the Irish Republic into legal currency in this country.
Coins of the Republic of Ireland are not legal tender anywhere in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but they are freely accepted by people and banks in Northern Ireland. I understand that most banks in Great Britain will also exchange Republic of Ireland 50 pence coins, usually making a small charge to cover the cost of returning the coins. Neither the Republic of Ireland, nor the United Kingdom has a 20 pence coin.
(2) the net revenues expected from each individual institution during the same period after deduction of the cost of collection.
The gross estimated receipts from new admission charges and the net receipts after allowing for staffing costs to be met from the Votes of the museums and galleries are given in the following table, the figures for the Scottish and Welsh Institutions having been provided by the Secretaries of State for Scotland and Wales: