asked Her Majesty's Government:How, if the small balsawood models and architectural drawings prepared by the winners of the new Parliament Building competition did not give a sufficiently clear idea of the scheme, it was possible to judge the competition fairly.
The competition was judged by the panel of highly qualified professional architects appointed as assessors for the competition and the material submitted by the final stage entrants was entirely adequate for their adjudication. It was the panel who specified the kind of drawings and models they required from the competitors. This material is, however, of too specialist a character to enable the general public to form a proper appreciation of the schemes. Hence the decision of my right honourable friend, which he announced in another place on December 10, 1971, to arrange for further material to be obtained for the exhibition of the final stage entries which he will be holding in the near future. The decision was taken in agreement with Sir Robert Mathew and his colleagues.House adjourned at eighteen minutes past five o'clock.