7.26 p.m
My Lords, with the leave of the House, I beg to move that the proceedings of this day in respect of the passing of the Sunday Cinema Bill be vacated. I must offer an apology to your Lordships for moving this Motion, but it is necessary for a privilege Amendment to be made to the Bill before it is sent to the Commons. A privilege Amendment should have been moved after the Third Reading this afternoon, but by inadvertence this was not done, and in order, therefore, to put the matter right it is necessary for me to move that the proceedings in respect of the passing of the Bill be vacated, so that I may then, if it is your Lordships' pleasure, move the privilege Amendment in the usual way. I beg to move.
Moved, That the proceedings of this day in respect of the passing of the Sunday Cinema Bill be vacated.—( Lord Strabolgi.)
On Question, Motion agreed to.
My Lords, I beg to move that the privilege Amendment be agreed to.
Moved accordingly and, on Question, the Amendment (privilege) agreed to.
My Lords, I beg to move that this Bill do now pass.
Moved, That the Bill do now pass.—( Lord Strabolgi.)
On Question, Bill passed and sent to the Commons.