asked Her Majesty's Government:What research on amniocentesis is being sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Security; what financial contribution is being made by the Department to the Medical Research Council in respect of work done by the latter on this subject in the year 1971–72; and whether the Government agrees with the Council that amniocentesis should be regarded as a high priority area for research.
The Department of Health and Social Security is providing £15,000 per year to support the work of Professor Polani at the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy's Hospital. This includes studies of diagnostic amniocentesis and clinical cytogenetic work. In addition a number of projects are being carried out by Hospital Boards with money provided under the Locally Organised Clinical Research scheme.The provision of funds for the Medical Research Council, which is the main Gov- ernment agency for medical research, is a matter for the Department of Education and Science and the allocation of these funds for particular purposes is for the Council to decide.The Government agrees that amniocentesis is an important area for research and welcomes the activities of the Medical Research Council.House adjourned at five minutes before eight o'clock.