My Lords, I beg to move the second Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.
Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider Science and Technology and that, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords be named of the Select Committee:—
- Adrian, L.
- Ashby, L.
- Avebury, L.
- Bessborough, E.
- Caldecote, V.
- Cranbrook, E.
- Gregson, L.
- Jeger, B.
- Lloyd of Kilgerran, L.
- Lucas of Chilworth, L.
- Ritchie-Calder, L.
- Schon, L.
- Shackleton, L.
- Sherfield, L.
- Todd, L. (Chairman)
That the Committee have power to appoint Sub-Committees and that such Sub-Committees have power to appoint their own Chairman;
That the Committee have power to co-opt any Lord for the purposes of serving on the Committee or any Sub-Committee;
That the Committee have leave to report from time to time;
That the Committee and any Sub-Committee have power to adjourn from place to place;
That the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee and any Sub-Committee from time to time be printed and, if the Committee think fit, be delivered out;
That the Committee and any Sub-Committee have power to appoint Specialist Advisers.—( Lord Aberdare.)
On Question, Motion agreed to.