asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they are satisfied that it is completely safe, as far as the foetus is concerned, for female radiologists and radiographers to work in
X-ray departments during the first two months of pregnancy.
Her Majesty's Government are satisfied that current recommendations on radiological protection of female radiologists and radiographers provide sufficient protection for the foetus early in pregnancy. These recommendations are set out in the Code of Practice for the Protection of Persons against Ionising Radiations arising from Medical and Dental Use which, in agreement with the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, sets a dose limit of 1ยท3 rents in a calendar quarter to the abdomens of women of reproductive capacity, and limits total exposure during the term of a pregnancy remaining after diagnosis to 1 rem. Responsibility for ensuring that the Code of Practice is observed lies with the head of department in collaboration with the radiological safety organisation of the controlling authority.