asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they will name the successful applicants for cable pilot project licences.
Thirty-seven applicants for pilot project licences have been received and given careful consideration with the help of an evaluation carried out by EIU Informatics Ltd. based on the criteria set out in the White Paper on the Development of Cable Systems and Services (Cmnd. 8866) and on advice from an independent advisory panel appointed to consider whether the EIU report represented a sound and proper basis for decisions as to the grant of licences. We now propose holding discussions with 11 applicants to explore further some specific points in their applications. Provided that these discussions are concluded to our satisfaction we shall issue pilot project licences to them. Those applications are:
Aberdeen Cable Services Ltd. | Aberdeen |
CableTel Communications Ltd. | Ealing |
Clyde Cable Vision Ltd. | North Glasgow |
Coventry Cable Ltd. | Coventry |
Croydon Cable Television Ltd. | Croydon |
Merseyside Cable Vision Ltd. | South Liverpool |
Rediffusion Consumer Electronics Ltd. | Guildford |
Swindon Cable Services Ltd. | Swindon |
Ulster Cablevision Ltd. | Belfast |
Westminster Cable Company | City of Westminster |
Windsor Television Ltd. | Windsor, Slough and Maidenhead |