My Lords, I beg to move that the Second Report from the Select Committee be agreed to.
The Report read as follows:
1. Administration Sub-Committee
Lord Gibson was appointed to the Administration Sub-Committee in the place of Lord Reilly.
2. Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod
The Committee were informed of the wishes of the Administration Sub-Committee to retain for a further year the services of Black Rod, Sir David House, as their Agent after his present appointment expires on 19th January 1984.
The Committee agreed to this proposal.
3. Refreshment Department
A statement of accounts for the financial year 1982–83 was laid before the Committee and approved.
4. Parliament Office
The Clerk of the Parliaments informed the Committee that he had promoted Mr. J. A. Valiance White to be Principal Clerk of the Judicial Office and Taxing Officer for Judicial Costs and Mr. C. A. J. Mitchell to be Chief Clerk, Public Bill Office to fill the consequential vacancies resulting from the death of Mr. J. V. D. Webb on 23rd October 1983.
The Committee were also informed of the appointments of Mr. Edward Christopher Ollard and Miss Mary Elizabeth De Groose as Clerks from 17th October 1983.
5. Revised scales of pay and allowances
The Committee confirmed the application to staff of the House of Lords of the following Civil Service memoranda:—
- CM/615 Pay of the Higher Civil Service.
- CM/620 Subsistence and meal allowances.
- CM/621 Revised rates of pay for Cerical and Executive Officers.
- IM83/4 Revised rates of pay for industrial staff.
- CM/622 London Weighting.
The Committee also authorised a revision in the temporary allowance paid to the Secretary to the Chairman of Committees and the payment of an allowance for extra responsibilities to one Executive Officer in the Accountant's office.
6. Official Shorthand Writer
The Committee approved a revision in the scale of fees payable to the Official Shorthand Writer.
7. Computer Development Office
The Committee were informed of a proposal to provide additional staff for the Computer Development Office and authorised payment of a proportion of the total cost.
8. Superannuation
The Committee were notified of the following awards:
On Question, Motion agreed to.