asked Her Majesty's Government:What steps they are taking to improve the health of Ian Brady, serving a life sentence in Gartree Prison, in view of the fact that on 2nd December his weight had dropped from 13 stone to 7 stone 12 pounds.
:Mr. Brady has been admitted to the prison hospital at Gartree. He has been seen and examined by an independent consultant physician and is at present co-operating in both the investigations which are taking place and the treatment which he is receiving.
asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they are now prepared to give effect to the recommendation that Ian Brady should be transferred to a special hospital, this recommendation having been made by the only Home Office psychiatrist to have examined him fully in recent years.
:My right honourable and learned friend the Home Secretary is empowered to direct the removal of a prisoner to hospital under Section 47 of the Mental Health Act 1983 only if he is satisfied by the reports of at least two suitably qualified doctors that the prisoner is suffering from a mental disorder of a nature or degree which makes it appropriate for him to be detained in hospital for medical treatment and, if the disorder is psychopathic disorder, that such treatment is likely to alleviate or prevent a deterioration of his condition. Although Ian Brady has been examined by a number of psychiatrists in recent years, my right honourable and learned friend has not received reports which meet these statutory requirements. If the requisite reports were received, any recommendation for transfer would be considered in the light of all the relevant circumstances.