asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they will list the sites, in order of numerical importance, where the Greenland race of the white fronted goose occurs in Great Britain, and whether they will state how many geese occur at each site, and what the estimated world population of this subspecies is estimated to be.
The information requested by the noble Lord is contained in a report by D. A. Stroud, of the census conducted in the winter of 1982–83. I have arranged for a copy of that report to be placed in the Library.
asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they can confirm that the Greenland race of the white fronted goose is protected by its inclusion on Annex 1 of EEC Directive 79/409, and, if so, whether this fact will be considered when the future of Duich Moss on Islay in Scotland is determined.
I confirm that the Greenland white fronted goose is listed in Annex 1 to the EEC Directive and that this will be considered with all other relevant factors before the Secretary of State reaches a decision on an application for planning permission to extract peat from Duich Moss, which he has called in for determination.