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Countryside Commission Recommendations: Policy

Volume 490: debated on Thursday 3 December 1987

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asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they support the Countryside Commission's policies for improving public recreation facilities in the countryside as set out in their document

Enjoying the Countryside and in particular whether they endorse the commission's objective that the entire rights of way network should be legally defined, properly maintained and well publicised by the end of this century.

The commission's policies call for a new partnership between surveying authorities, landowners and users. This approach is designed to secure a more effective discharge of statutory obligations regarding rights of way, which I welcome in principle. Progress over time will naturally depend on the extent of resources allocated to the task by the surveying authorities.

asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they will say what financial support they have given or propose to give to the Countryside Commission to enable them to implement their policies in

Enjoying the Countryside.

Subject to the approval of Parliament, we propose to increase total grant-in-aid to the Countryside Commission and related activities from £19·5 million in 1987–88 to £21·5 million in 1988–89. This should enable the commission to make a start on their Enjoying the Countryside initiative.