asked Her Majesty's Government:Further to the Answer given by the Lord Chesham on 12 December 1995 (H.L. Deft, cobs. 1164–5), what progress the Department of Trade and Industry have made in discussions with the Department of Health to clarify the position of dentists and the use of tooth whitening techniques.
The answer given to my noble friend was that, if the dental profession and industry were to make a submission to the European Commission with view to a change in the legislation, assistance would be granted by the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Health. No such request has been received by either department. If a submission were to be made, it would have to address satisfactorily the safety concerns identified by the Commission's cosmetics safety advisory body, the Scientific Committee for Cosmetology, and by toxicologists at the Department of Health. The initial step is therefore for the dental profession and/or industry to take.