asked Her Majesty's Government:Further to the launch of Sport Action Zones by Sport England and the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport on 17 January: (a) which are the regeneration budgets that have been identified as possible partners to the Sport Action Zones in order to complement Lottery funding; (b) what discussions have been held to identify such partners: and (c) with whom such discussions have been held. [HL634]
Sport Action Zones are an initiative of Sport England's Lottery Sports Fund Strategy. The first 12 zones were announced on 17 January. Sport England has not at this stage identified any specific regeneration budgets which might be applicable to Sport Action Zones. However, the managers of each zone will seek to identify opportunities locally for sport to be included in regeneration strategies and budgets. The delivery of the Sport Action Zone objectives will require very close co-operation between Sport England and all local interests, including local authorities, sports associations, governing bodies, community groups, TECs and those involved in work on Housing Action Zones and Education Action Zones. Through such co-operation it is hoped to attract additional finance, both public and private, into the area aimed at increasing sporting opportunities and participation.