asked Her Majesty's Government:What is the total cost to date to the taxpayer of the Millennium Dome and all works directly associated with it at the Greenwich site. [HL770]
The Millennium Dome at Greenwich and its contents are being paid for partly out of Lottery funds and partly by private sector sponsorship, commercial income and visitor revenue—not from tax revenues. English Partnerships, the Government's urban regeneration agency for England, which owns the land on which the Dome is sited and which is grant aided by the Exchequer, through the Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions has incurred £15.53 million in costs in respect of works directly associated with preparing the site for the Millennium Dome, north of the Jubilee Line and North Greenwich Transport Interchange. These works have consisted of the remediation of the site together with the provision of roads, footpaths, services, landscaping, river wall works and associated fees.