asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they intend to review the work of the Parole Board. [HL1048]
The Parole Board is an executive Non-Departmental Public Body, established on 1 July 1996. The Government are committed to regular review of Non-Departmental Public Bodies, and have decided to conduct a review of the board during the current year. The review will incorporate the requirements of the "Quinquennial Review" process. The review will also look at the scope for improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of the Parole Board and the wider parole process (for both determinate and life sentenced prisoners).The review has the following terms of reference:Within the context of a required Quinquennial Review of Parole Board functions, and the requirements of Better Quality Services and the Civil Service modernisation programme:
- to identify the key issues facing the parole and lifer review processes and the Parole Board over the next five years; and as part of the Quinquennial Review programme, to consider-whether the functions of the Parole Board continue to be required, and, if so, whether a Non-Departmental Public Body is the best option for delivery.
To recommend changes to the parole and lifer processes which ensure that:
- existing procedures are made as efficient and effective as possible;
- new casework is dealt with efficiently and effectively and that demanding performance targets and measures are established with clear plans for delivery stated;
- wider developments, including advancements in information technology, are integrated successfully into the parole and lifer review processes; and to recommend necessary changes to the Parole Board's status, organisation, structure and funding.