asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they will publish proposals for the establishment of a panel to advise on cases of works of art which may have been looted during the Nazi World War II era. [HL1109]
I am very pleased to be able to announce that the right honourable Sir David Hirst has agreed to chair a Spoliation Advisory Panel to consider and advise on claims from anyone who lost possession of a cultural object during the Nazi era where such an object is now in the possession of a UK national collection or in the possession of another UK museum or gallery established for the public benefit.The draft terms of reference for the Panel are set out below and I am now inviting interested organisations and individuals to let me have their views before these are finalised.SPOLIATION ADVISORY PANEL DRAFT CONSTITUTION AND TERMS OF REFERENE
Members of the Panel
1. The members of the Spoliation Advisory Panel ("the Panel") will be appointed by the Secretary of State on such terms and conditions as he thinks fit. The Secretary of State shall appoint one member as Chairman of the Panel.
Resources for the Panel
2. The Secretary of State will make available such resources as he considers necessary to enable the Panel to carry out its functions, including administrative support provided by a Secretriat ("the Secretariat").
Functions of the Panel
3. The task of the Panel is to consider claims from anyone (or from any one or more of their heirs), who lost possession of a cultural object ("the object") during the Nazi era, where such object is now in the possession of a UK national collection or in the possession of another UK museum or gallery established for the public benefit ("the institution"). The Panel shall advise the claimant and the institution on what would be appropriate action to take in response to such a claim. The Panel shall also be available to advise about any claim for an item in a private collection at the joint request of the claimant and the owner.
4. In an appropriate case the Panel may also advise the Secretary of State.
Performance of the Panel's functions
5. In performing the functions set out in paragraphs 3 and 4, the Panel's paramount purpose shall be to achieve a solution which is fair and just both to the claimant and to the institution.
6. For this purpose the Panel shall:
Scope of Advice
7. If the Panel upholds the claim in principle, it may recommend either:
8. Where the Panel considers it appropriate to advise the Secretary of State under paragraph 4(a), it may make such recommendations in relation to general issues raised by the claim as it considers fit.