asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether the recommendations of the Veterinary Products Committee that manufacturers be approached with a view to improving the safety of the designs of containers for organophosphate sheep dips in 1994, in January 1995 and in July 1999 were acted upon; if so, what proposals for changes to container design were made following those approaches and with what results; and whether there have been any requests for the decision that all organophosphate sheep dip formulations be withdrawn, announced on 20 December 1999, to be rescinded. [HL969]
The Health and Safety Executive holds discussions with the holders of sheep dip marketing authorisations about matters within the remit of the executive's responsibilities. This includes the use of organophosphorus (OP) compounds and the design of containers of concentrated dip. Changes in container design were made following the VPC's recommendations in 1994 and 1995. However, the report of the Institute of Occupational Medicine in July 1999 clearly highlighted inconsistencies in the wearing of protective clothing, recorded instances of careless handling and drew attention to difficulties faced by operators in opening and pouring concentrated dip. The Veterinary Products Committee (VPC) therefore advised Ministers that manufacturers should be required to bring forward proposals for improved container design which conforms to industry best practice. Plans were considered by the VPC in November 1999 and the decision that all OP sheep dips should be withdrawn until improved containers were available, which the Government announced on 20 December 1999, was made on the basis of the VPC's advice.Marketing authorisation holders have co-operated with the withdrawal of products from the market. Representations have been made by farming interests and marketing authorisation holders drawing attention to potential sheep welfare problems that might arise due to the unavailability of OP dips and arguing that the current suspension of authorisations should be lifted for a period while work on improved container design is undertaken.