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10 Downing Street Website

Volume 610: debated on Monday 28 February 2000

The text on this page has been created from Hansard archive content, it may contain typographical errors.

asked Her Majesty's Government:For what reason the search facility on the 10 Downing Street website is restricted to inquiries dating from 1 January 1999. [HL1120]

The 10 Downing Street website allows users to search for material contained in the whole of the website archive without any date restrictions. It also contains a second facility to allow searches within specific parts of the site and between specific dates. Until the process of ensuring that relevant material from the old site has been transferred to the new archive is finished, this second facility only allows dates after 1 January 1999 to be specified. Once the transfer is complete the specific search facility will be extended back to May 1997.

Our Information Age: the Government's Vision is no longer available at the 10 Downing Street website. [HL1121]

This policy statement dates back to 1998 and is not currently contained in the site's archive. It should be added in due course as the archive is extended back to May 1997.

asked Her Majesty's Government:When they anticipate that hypertext mark-up language (HTML) links from departmental websites to the new 10 Downing Street website will be updated. [HL1122]

Links to the 10 Downing Street website's home page do not require updating since the address of the site remains the same. Where links existed to specific parts of the site, these will need updating. Departments are being asked to check their websites for any such links and to update them as necessary. All links should be updated shortly.