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Cameroon: Local Elections

Volume 620: debated on Thursday 21 December 2000

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asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they will consult other members of the Commonwealth about the one year postponement of the local elections in Cameroon and the lack of consultation with the political parties on the National Elections Observatory Law, with a view to referring these matters to the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group; and whether they will also draw these matters to the attention of M Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Secretary-General of La Francophonie. [HL161]

We welcome the law on the National Elections Observatory as a step towards greater transparency in Cameroon. We have strongly urged the Government of Cameroon to ensure the independence of the National Elections Observatory and to consult fully with other political parties over its creation. We are making clear our view that the government of Cameroon should stick to the election timetable as closely as possible. We regularly discuss Cameroon with our partners.