asked Her Majesty's Government:What was the response to the April policy statement "Making Changes: the future of the Public Trust Office", and what action they intend to take to give effect to the proposals contained in the statement. [HL252]
Following publication of the "Making Changes" policy statement on 11 April 2000. much work has been done to take forward its proposals. I have today placed in the Libraries of both Houses a summary and analysis of the responses received to "Making Changes". As proposed in "Making Changes". and informed by the response to consultation, I will create a new body which is to be called the Public Guardianship Office. It will discharge the Court of Protection's decisions on behalf of mentally incapacitated people, a role at present undertaken by the Public Trust Office. The new body is being explored as a candidate for agency status. It will be set demanding targets to provide a high quality service to its clients.