asked Her Majesty's Government:How many appeals were heard against conviction (including conviction and sentence) in England and Wales in the latest year for which figures are available; in how many cases the conviction was quashed; of the number quashed how many were ordinary appeals and Criminal Cases Review Commission referrals respectively; and in how many cases in each category was the appellant currently serving a custodial sentence; and what was the breakdown of the sentence lengths. [HL88]
During the period 1 November 1999 to 31 October 2000 inclusive, 556 appeals against conviction were heard; 180 appeals were allowed, 376 appeals against conviction were dismissed; of the 180 allowed, 14 were referrals from the Criminal Cases Review Commission and 166 were ordinary appeals; of the 166 ordinary appeals, 105 had received a custodial sentence. Of the 180 appeals against conviction allowed, 70 retrials were ordered; of that 70, 58 had received a custodial sentence. Of the 376 appeals dismissed, 288 had received a custodial sentence.