asked Her Majesty's Government:What was the total allocation of funds to local Community Health Councils in each region in England and in Wales in each of the last five years; and what was the level of resources spent by each of the National Health Service Regional Offices and by the Welsh Office in supporting, servicing and supporting Community Health Councils in each of the last five years. [HL411]
The total allocation of funds for Community Health Councils in the past five years for five of the Regional Offices is set out as follows. The responsibilities of Regional Offices in supporting and managing CHCs are set out in guidance. All Regional Offices are adequately resourced to provide this function. Information on services in Wales is a matter for the National Assembly for Wales. Due to Regional Office organisation in 1999, the total allocation of funds for CHCs from the three Regional Offices concerned is set out from 1999.
North Thames
- 1996–97: £3,597,000
- 1997–98: £3,654,000
- 1998–99: £3,752,000
South Thames
- 1996–97: £3,350,000
- 1997–98: £3,872,000
- 1998–99: £3,938,000
London RO
- 1999–2000: £4,067,000
- 2000–01: £4,215,000
South West RO
- 1996–97: £1,925,000
- 1997–98: £1,957,000
- 1998–99: £2,000,900
- 1999–2000: £1,807,000
- 2000–01: £1,867,000
- 1996–97: £1,709,000
- 1997–98: £1,737,000
- 1998–99: £1,783,000
- 1999–2000: £1,783,000
- 2000–01: £1,843,000
West Midlands RO
- 1996–97: £2,198,000
- 1997–98: £2,234,000
- 1998–99: £2,294,000
- 1999–2000: £2,294,000
- 2000–01: £2,370,000
North West RO
- 1996–97: £2,871,000
- 1997–98: £2,919,000
- 1998–99: £2,997,000
- 1999–2000: £2,997,000
- 2000–01: £3,102,000
Northern and Yorkshire RO
- 1996–97: £2,800,000
- 1997–98: £3,065,000
- 1998–99: £3,723,000
- 1999–2000: £3,025,000
- 2000–01: £3,168,000
Eastern Region
- 1999–2000: £2,450,700
- 2000–01: £2,603,300
(Eastern Region was Anglia and Oxford RO up to 1999)
South East RO
- 1999–2000: £3,999,200
- 2000–01: £4,172,000
(South East Region within South Thames and North Thames RO up to 1999)