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Written Answers

Volume 621: debated on Monday 29 January 2001

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Written Answers

Monday, 29th January 2001.

European Security And Defence Policy: English Translation

asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether an English translation of the new European Security and Defence Policy has yet been agreed; and, if so, whether they will place a copy in the Library of the House, together with any annexes and appendices. [HL427]

The French Presidency Report to the Nice Council on the European Security and Defence Policy has been translated into English. I am placing a copy of the report in the Library of the House.

Depleted Uranium

asked Her Majesty's Government:When they intend to publish the commentary clarifying the Ministry of Defence's position on the risks of depleted uranium and certain related Ministry of Defence documents recently quoted by the media. [HL496]

The Ministry of Defence yesterday published a paper entitled Depleted Uranium—Documents explaining the Ministry of Defence position on the risks and health hazards. This demonstrates the Ministry of Defence's determination to be open and transparent on the matter. Copies of the paper have been placed in the Library of the House.

Sierra Leone Army: Training Programme

asked Her Majesty's Government:What plans they have for their contribution to the provision of training for the Sierra Leone Army. [HL497]

Since June 2000, British forces have provided short-term training to Sierra Leone. Some 6,500 members of the Sierra Leone Army (SLA) have been given basic infantry skills. The training programmes have gone well, with the SLA demonstrating its ability to strengthen control of government-held areas.

To consolidate the achievements to date, provide more officer/NCO and specialist training and put the SLA in a position to train itself in future, we are planning a further package of training by British teams until September. This will prepare the way for handing over to the International Military Advisory and Training Team (IMATT), announced by the Prime Minister in March 2000, which will take on the continuing training task. Some six countries, including a sizeable British contingent, are expected to be represented in the IMATT. We plan to increase the IMATT's overall size from 90 posts originally envisaged to 126. This reflects a detailed assessment of what will be required to consolidate the excellent work that British forces will have achieved through the Short Term Training Teams. We also plan to maintain an operational Headquarters in Sierra Leone for the rest of the year, and to demonstrate, through periodic exercises, the availability of the over-the-horizon rapid reaction capability. These measures will increase the cost of our training and equipment programme by some £5 million.

These further measures demonstrate the Government's continuing commitment to help the Government of Sierra Leone and the UN to restore peace and stability throughout Sierra Leone.


asked Her Majesty's Government:What are the principal military assets in terms of army divisions, war claims, heavy air transport and naval vessels that Britain and France, separately, have currently assigned to NATO. [HL385]

The United Kingdom has a number of Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force assets assigned to NATO, including our contributions to NATO's standing naval forces, the Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps, and the NATO Airborne Early Warning Force. The majority of the UK's other forces are either earmarked for NATO, or could be called upon for NATO operations as appropriate. France is not part of NATO's Integrated Military Structure, and therefore does not formally assign forces to the Alliance.

Weu Satellite Centre

asked Her Majesty's Government:With reference to the Presidency Report to the Nice Council on European Union Security and Defence Policy, what is the purpose and nature of the Satellite Centre and its agencies which are to incorporate existing parallel Western European Union structures; and what will its relationship with NATO be. [HL406]

Ministers at the WEU Ministerial Council in Marseille in November 2000 and at the Nice European Council in December 2000 decided to transfer the functions of the WEU Satellite Centre to the EU. This will take effect from 1 January 2002. The Satellite Centre, based at Torrejon in Spain, is an imagery analysis and training centre: it does not possess its own satellites and does not have subsidiary agencies. In the EU its primary role will be to provide interpretation of satellite and aerial images, acquired from external sources, to the Council of Ministers in support of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. Under the EU, as under the WEU, the Satellite Centre is unlikely to have a permanent formal relationship with NATO, but will be able to offer its services to a variety of customers including national governments and international organisations, such as NATO.

Employment Opportunities

asked Her Majesty's Government:Further to the Secretary of State for Education and Employment's statement (in the

Observer of 14th January) that "jobs are there for the taking in most parts of the country", what percentage of the registered unemployed live in constituencies where unemployment is above (a) 10 per cent and (b) 8 per cent. [HL369]

The Minister of State, Department for Education and Employment
(Baroness Blackstone)

In December 2000, 8.5 per cent of all claimant unemployed people in the UK were in the 27 constituencies where the unemployment rate was above 10 per cent and 17 per cent were in the 62 constituencies where the unemployment rate was above 8 per cent.There are new jobs coming up all the time, either in neighbouring areas which may be centres of employment opportunity or, indeed, in the constituencies themselves. The Government's welfare to work policies aim to match jobless people with these jobs.

Jean Monnet Chairs And Centres

asked Her Majesty's Government:How many Jean Monnet Chairs and Jean Monnet Centres have been created in the universities of the United Kingdom; and where they are located. [HL357]

There are 102 Jean Monnet Chairs in the United Kingdom: 87 Chairs and 15 Chairs Ad Personam. There are 13 Jean Monnet European Centres of Excellence.The

Jean Monnet Chairs are located as follows:

Four Chairs at the Universities of Leicester, Leeds, Queen's—Belfast;

Three Chairs at the Universities of Birmingham, Bath, Essex, Southampton, Strathclyde, Manchester;

Two Chairs at the Universities of Bristol, Edinburgh, Cambridge, Aberdeen, London School of Economics, University of Wales—Cardiff, School of Slavonic and East European Studies—London, Sussex, Hull.

The following Universities have one chair:

Lincolnshire and Humberside, Exeter, South Bank (London), Central Lancashire, Westminster, Aberystwyth, Kent, Queen Mary and Westfield College (London), Durham, Bradford, Sheffield, De Montfort, Thames Valley (London), York, Coventry, Paisley, Leeds Metropolitan, Lancaster, East Anglia, John Moores (Liverpool), Warwick, Kingston, Oxford, Northumbria, Liverpool, North London, Ulster (Coleraine), Glasgow, Loughborough, Reading, Portsmouth, Nottingham, Greenwich, Dundee, Newcastle upon Tyne, Salford, St Andrews, Glamorgan; Robert Gordon (Aberdeen).

Chairs Ad Personam:

Sussex, Kent, Essex, Ulster (Coleraine), Edinburgh, Royal Holloway (London), Glasgow, Lincolnshire and Humberside, Loughborough, Manchester Metropolitan, Manchester (2), Newcastle upon Tyne, Oxford, Plymouth.

Jean Monnet European Centres of Excellence:

Aberystwyth, Bath, Queen's (Belfast), Birmingham, Sussex, Essex, Kent, Glasgow, Hull, Leeds, London School of Economics, Loughborough, Newcastle upon Tyne.

To note:

  • (i) Projects are financed by the European Commission for the first three years; they must be taught for at least seven years;
  • (ii) The Jean Monnet subsidy is given to the university (not to the professor); approval of choice of professor must be granted by the European Commission; should a professor leave the university, the Commission would need to approve the successor;
  • (iii) Where universities have more than one chair, these will be in different disciplines—eg Political Sciences, Economics, European Law; in exceptional cases, there may be two Chairs, with different professors, where projects are of a very high standard;
  • (iv) The majority of Jean Monnett Chairs correspond to the setting up of new teaching activities. A Chair Ad Personam allows Universities to allocate chairs to professors and senior lecturers who already devote 100 per cent of their teaching time to European integration issues, and would not therefore meet the criteria of providing new teaching activities. This relates particularly to professors in post at the time of the launch of the Jean Monnet Project in 1990.
  • Eurostar: Carriage Of Pets

    asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they will make representations to the management of Eurostar to end their refusal to allow passengers to be accompanied by their dogs or cats on the grounds that trains are not designed to carry animals. [HL386]

    The Minister of State, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
    (Lord Macdonald of Tradeston)

    The Government have no plans at present to make further representations to the Eurostar Group on this issue. Representations made last year by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions led to an agreement by Eurostar to consider carrying recognised assistance dogs such as guide dogs for the blind. They are still considering their position but are in no doubt as to the Government's desire to see assistance dogs allowed on Eurostar trains. The decision whether or not to carry animals is one for the Eurostar Group (Eurostar UK Ltd, SNCF and SNCB) to make collectively. Euro tunnel allows pets to travel with their owners in private cars on its passenger shuttle services through the Channel Tunnel.


    asked Her Majesty's Government:What steps are being taken to encourage the use of methane, rather than allowing or accepting unnecessary release of this gas into the atmosphere. [HL391]

    The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
    (Lord Whitty)

    The UK's climate change programme that was published in November 2000 sets out full details of the measures the Government are taking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including methane emissions. Many of these measures are aimed at preventing emissions; others are designed to collect and use it as an energy source.Methane emissions from landfills have been reduced by almost 40 per cent since 1990. Measures like the Landfill Directive and the landfill tax are aimed at cutting the amount of biodegradable waste sent to landfill. There has also been increased collection of landfill gas and its use as an energy source. Since 1990, over 140 landfill gas projects have been contracted under the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation to supply electricity to the National Grid. The Government are continuing their support for the use of landfill gas, and also sewage gas, as energy sources through the Renewables Obligation and exemptions from the climate change levy. Methane emissions from landfill sites are projected to continue to decline to about 70 per cent below 1990 levels in 2010.About one third of methane emissions from operational coal mines is currently captured and a third of this is used for energy recovery. This proportion is however expected to increase over the coming decade. The Government are working with industry to encourage and develop further use of methane from this source.

    Countryside And Rights Of Way Act 2000: Regulations

    asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether the regulations to be made under Section 68 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 are yet available in draft: and when they propose to invite Parliament to approve them. [HL421]

    Officials are currently drafting the regulations. Although we have a good overview of the provisions to be included, considerable work is needed on the detail. Provided no unforeseen problems arise, we expect to publish draft regulations for public consultation in March, and lay these before Parliament for approval in May.

    Written Answer Content: Policy

    asked Her Majesty's Government:What is their policy towards the giving of factual information asked for by Lords in their Written Questions. [HL162]

    Ministers should be open with Parliament and the public, refusing to provide information only when disclosure would not be in the public interest, which should be decided in accordance with relevant statute and the Government's Code of Practice on Access to Government Information.

    Northern Ireland: Nominations To Public Appointments

    asked Her Majesty's Government:What is the status of nominations from the government of the Irish Republic for public appointments in Northern Ireland. [HL129]

    I refer the noble Lord to the Answer I gave on 30 November (Hansard, col. WA 161). Such nominations are not treated any differently than nominations received from other sources. All public appointments in Northern Ireland are made on the basis of merit.

    Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

    asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they will list those organisations representing victims' groups with which the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission has consulted. [HL178]

    It is for the Commission to decide with whom it consults. The Chief Commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission has been asked to write to the noble Lord. A copy of this letter will be placed in the Library.

    asked Her Majesty's Government:Which members of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission are also members of the Committee for the Administration of Justice; and when they joined that Committee. [HL255]

    I refer the noble Lord to the Answer I gave on 27 November 2000 (Official Report, col. WA 109).

    asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they consider that having a majority of members of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission who are members of the Committee on the Administration of Justice is a fair representation of the Northern Ireland community as a whole. [HL283]

    The Government are satisfied that the Commissioners, as a group, are representative of the community in Northern Ireland.

    Millennium Dome

    asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether provision has been made in the contracts to be signed with Legacy plc for the sale to them of the Millennium Dome site to provide the clawback of profits from Legacy plc if that company is deemed to have made excessive profits from the disposal or use of land at the Dome site at some date after contracts have been signed; and, if so, by what mechanism it is proposed that "excessive profits" will be defined. [HL325]

    The issue of clawback and related matters is the subject of active negotiation between Legacy plc and the Competition Team. I can assure the noble Baroness that the Government are taking a strong line in seeking to protect public interests through the entire sale process, and will ensure that appropriate safeguards are built into any contract. Details of negotiations with Legacy plc are commercially confidential.

    asked Her Majesty's Government:What is the estimated cost of the setting up and running of the Millennium Show during the life-time of the Millennium Dome. [HL329]

    The New Millennium Experience Company has advised that the total costs of the Millennium Show were £72.6 million. Expenditure on design, construction, fit-out and pre-opening training costs for the performers and technicians was £60.1 million. Staff costs, and running costs during the operational year were £12.5 million.

    Cigarette Manufacturers: Secondments To Government Departments

    asked Her Majesty's Government:How many employees each of British American Tobacco, Imperial Tobacco, Gallaher and Philip Morris since June 1997 have been seconded to the Prime Minister's Office, the Department of Health, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Cabinet Office, the Office of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, HM Treasury, HM Customs & Excise, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Department for International Development and the Northern Ireland Office; and what role they play in the policy making and operations of each department. [HL221]

    As far as I am aware, since June 1997, the only instances have been two inward secondees from British American Tobacco to the Department of Trade and Industry. Both secondees worked as export promoters, promoting UK trade to other countries, and have no involvement in UK policy making.Departments and agencies are encouraged to undertake a wide range of interchange opportunities, both inward and outward, and with all sectors of the economy.Individuals on interchanges from other sectors are subject to the Official Secrets Act and are required to observe Civil Service and departmental or agency rules on conduct, including the duty of confidentiality, and security. Individuals attached to departments under the interchange initiative are required to ensure that in the course of their duty there is no conflict of interest that will cause embarrassment to their organisation, or to the department or agency. Indeed, great care is taken when arranging these opportunities to ensure that no conflicts of interest arise.

    European Movement: European Commission Grant

    asked Her Majesty's Government:Further to the Written Answer by Lord McIntosh of Haringey on 29 November 2000 (

    WA 151), whether they know the amount of the subvention made to the European Movement by the Commission for the year 2000 but decline to divulge it; or whether the Commission has declined to provide the requested information. [HL335]

    The Commission publishes details on the subsidies which it disburses in its annual report on the beneficiaries of part A Commission grants. This report is freely available via the Internet website of the Commission.

    Manufacturing Employment Since 1995

    asked Her Majesty's Government:What was the total number of people employed in manufacturing industry in the United Kingdom in December 1995 and in December of each following year; and what estimates of employment in manufacturing industry have been made for the period covered by the latest forecasts. [HL409]

    A monthly series for employee jobs and a quarterly series for workforce jobs in the manufacturing industries are published in Labour Market Trends (tables B12 and B18 respectively), copies of which are held in the House of Lords Library, and in Statbase on the ONS website Workforce jobs include employee jobs, self-employment jobs and government supported trainees. In line with the convention adopted by previous administrations, the Government do not publish forecasts for employment and unemployment.

    Congo: Support For National Dialogue

    asked Her Majesty's Government:What further assistance they will give to the special facilitator, United Nations staff and others concerned in the internal dialogue in the Congo. [HL432]

    We are already providing financial support and an expert to the facilitator of the national dialogue and will consider additional funding requests from all parties.

    Amsterdam Treaty: Enhanced Co-Operation Measures

    asked Her Majesty's Government:What changes have been made at Nice to the Amsterdam Treaty's Provisions for "enhanced co-operation", and in particular whether under Clause G of the General Principles on Enhanced Co-operation, while a member of the Council may request that a matter be referred to the European Council, a final decision will be taken there by a qualified majority vote and not, as previously, by unanimity. [HL382]

    At Nice we agreed changes to the enhanced co-operation arrangements which mean that enhanced co-operation will:

    • be extended to Pillar II for the implementation of policies that have previously been agreed by unanimity. It will not cover defence;
    • involve at least eight member states;
    • not undermine the Single Market;
    • be open to all member states. A new duty is placed on the Commission to encourage the participation of as many member states as possible;
    • respect the rights of non-participating member states;
    • be used only as a last resort;
    • not form part of the acquis;
    • be funded by the participating member states.
    In clause G the emergency brake procedure agreed at Amsterdam will be replaced in Pillars I and III with a lighter appeal mechanism, under which a member state may ask that any proposed enhanced co-operation be referred to the European Council before a decision is taken. Only if the European Council unanimously decides against the proposal is it overturned. Otherwise a decision to proceed will then be taken by the Council by QMV.

    Small Arms And Light Weapons: Un Conference

    asked Her Majesty's GovernmentWhat preparations they are making for the United Nations conference in July 2001 on trade in small arms and light weapons; and whether they will consult British non-governmental organisations, in particular Saferworld, BASIC and International Alert, before deciding their position. [HL344]

    Her Majesty's Government are actively engaged in preparations for the July 2001 UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects. We attach great importance to a successful outcome to the conference, which we view as a milestone in international attempts to combat the proliferation of small arms. It should provide an ideal opportunity for nations and regional groups to unite in giving political impetus, under the UN, to their efforts in this area. Our aim is to agree political commitment to global norms, standards and a forward-looking conference action plan aimed at reducing the levels of illicit trade in—and destabilising accumulations of—small arms.In pursuit of a successful outcome, the UK will hold a policy brainstorming seminar for around 30 countries at Lancaster House, London, on 13–14 February. This will look at possible conference outcomes and where participants assess the small arms debate ought to have progressed to in, say, five years. The Foreign Secretary plans to open the seminar.Further in line with our commitment to the success of the conference, we are working in partnership with governments, business and the NGO community, including BASIC, Saferworld and International Alert through support for their Biting the Bullet project. This aims to facilitate debate, provide research, briefings and seminars and work closely with IANSA, the International Action Network on Small Arms.

    Vehicle Manufacture, Export And Import Statistics Since 1995

    asked Her Majesty's Government:What was the total output of motor cars and commercial vehicles made in the United Kingdom in each year since 1995; and what were the totals of United Kingdom exports and imports of such cars and vehicles in the same period. [HL333]

    The Minister for Science, Department of Trade and Industry
    (Lord Sainsbury of Turville)

    The following tables give numbers of motor cars and commercial vehicles produced in the UK, along with figures for both exports and imports.

    Motor Cars
    Commercial Vehicles


    Office for National Statistics: Overseas Trade Statistics

    Steel Manufacturing, Export And Import Statistics 1995

    asked Her Majesty's Government:What was the total output, in millions of tons, of United Kingdom steel in each year since 1995; and what were the totals of United Kingdom steel exports and imports in each year since 1995. [HL334]

    The following table gives total deliveries of finished steel industry products by UK steel producers, along with figures for export and import.

    Million tonnesTotal Deliveries by UK steel producersExportsImports
    1 January-October 2000

    Source: Annual Statistics 1999 and later figures (Iron and Steel Statistics Bureau);

    Overseas Trade Statistics.

    Deliveries by UK steel producers exclude products destined for further processing by other UK steel producers, to avoid double counting.The export and import figures include all deliveries of finished steel products, whether by (or to) UK steel producers, steel stockholders or steel consuming industries.

    Water Fluoridation

    asked Her Majesty's Government:Further to the Written Answers by Lord Hunt of Kings Heath on 17 January (

    WA 136), whether the terms of reference of the Medical Research Council's Working Group are (in part) "To provide advice on current scientific evidence regarding the health effects of water fluoridation"; and, if so, why they consider this task to be necessary given that the National Health Service Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at York has already provided such advice in the report of a systematic scientific review which they themselves commissioned; and [HL451]

    Further to the Written Answers by Lord Hunt of Kings Heath on 17 January ( WA 136) which stated that they have asked the Medical Research Council (MRC) "to suggest how it might be possible to strengthen the evidence currently available" on water fluoridation, whether the terms of reference of the MRC's Working Group are (in part) "To consider whether further research in this area is required"; and, if so, how these two statements can be reconciled. [HL452]

    The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health
    (Lord Hunt of Kings Heath)

    The York report found that there was a lack of high quality research into the area of fluoride and health and the Government wish to remedy this shortcoming. The Department of Health has, therefore, asked the Medical Research Council (MRC) to assess what further research might be required.We have provisionally agreed with the MRC that its terms of reference should be:

  • (a) Provide advice on current scientific evidence regarding the health effects of water fluoridation;
  • (b) Consider whether further research in this area is required to inform public health policy;
  • (c) Report to the MRC Physiological Medicine and Infections Board and the MRC Health Services and Public Health Research Board;
  • (d) Report to the Department of Health.
  • The MRC has let us know that the working group may wish to refine these terms of reference at its first meeting in February.

    Gps: Retirement Forecast

    asked Her Majesty's Government:How many general medical practitioners practising in England are anticipated to retire in each of the next five years. [HL444]

    Although there is no fixed retirement age for general practitioners they are removed from the health authority medical list on reaching 70 years of age if providing general medical

    Unrestricted Principals and Equivalents (UPEs)1 aged 64 or over as at 1 October 1999
    numbers (headcount)
    All UPEs27,591of which:198117948369480
    of which:


    1 UPEs includes Unrestricted Principals. PMS Contracted GPs and PMS Salaried GPs.


    Department of Health General Medical and Personal Medical Services Statistics.

    Haemophilia Patients And Vcjd In Blood Products

    asked Her Majesty's Government:Further to the recent report from Bio Products Laboratory that plasma from a person later found to have vCJD had been used in the manufacture of clotting factor for the treatment of National Health Service patients with haemophilia, how many people have been affected by the finding; what individual advice and counselling have been given to patients who may be affected; and what further action they are taking. [HL448]

    No information is held centrally on the number of patients with haemophilia who received clotting factor made from plasma donated by the individual who later developed vCJD. Haemophilia centre directors were notified in December 2000 of the batch numbers of the clotting factor and are in the process of identifying the recipients from their patient records. The UK Haemophilia Doctors Association, in consultation with the: Department of Health, has agreed a policy of giving all haemophilia patients information about the incident and offering them a choice to know if they or their children received the implicated clotting factor. Counselling and advice to patients will be provided by haemophilia centres. The Government have asked an expert panel to consider as a matter of urgency how such incidents should be managed in future.In 1998, the Government took the step of ceasing to use UK plasma in the manufacture of blood products

    services as a principal. Similarly doctors employed under the salaried doctor scheme cannot work past the age of 70. Numbers of GP principals who will reach the age of 70 in each of the next five years are set out in the table. However these do not take account of doctors who may retire before age 70 by choice or for medical or other reasons, nor is any allowance made for those GPs who may exercise the option to retire and so claim their pension and gratuity but who may return to the HA medical list 28 days later and continue working until they fully retire. In addition there is no retirement age for doctors employed in personal medical services pilots, as assistants or as locums.

    as a precautionary measure against the theoretical risk that vCJD can be transmitted in this way.


    asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they will make information on the extent of the use of diamorphine in the treatment of "Do not Resuscitate" patients in National Health Service hospitals available to the public inquiry headed by Dame Janet Smith into the extent of Dr Shipman's unlawful activities. [HL376]

    The inquiry into the matters arising from the deaths of Harold Shipman's patients is in the course of being established. It will consider evidence relevant to its terms of reference.The Department of Health will of course co-operate with any request from the inquiry for disclosure of any information which it holds which is relevant to the terms of reference.

    Sexual Health And Hiv Strategy

    asked Her Majesty's Government:On what date the draft Sexual Health and HIV Strategy will be issued for consultation. [HL442]

    The merger of the Sexual Health and HIV Strategies led to slippage in the timetable but we plan to issue it shortly.

    Smoking-Related Diseases: Treatment Costs

    asked Her Majesty's Government:What was the estimated cost to the National Health Service of treating people suffering from illness as a result of smoking in each of the last five years for which figures are available. [HL362]

    The information is not available in the form requested. However, a study Cost Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Interventions by the Health Education Authority in collaboration with the University of York published in 1997 estimated the annual cost to the National Health Service of treating smoking related disease caused by smoking at between £1.4 billion and £1.7 billion for England. This is the most recent available estimate.

    Community Health Councils: Funding

    asked Her Majesty's Government:What was the total allocation of funds to local Community Health Councils in each region in England and in Wales in each of the last five years; and what was the level of resources spent by each of the National Health Service Regional Offices and by the Welsh Office in supporting, servicing and supporting Community Health Councils in each of the last five years. [HL411]

    The total allocation of funds for Community Health Councils in the past five years for five of the Regional Offices is set out as follows. The responsibilities of Regional Offices in supporting and managing CHCs are set out in guidance. All Regional Offices are adequately resourced to provide this function. Information on services in Wales is a matter for the National Assembly for Wales. Due to Regional Office organisation in 1999, the total allocation of funds for CHCs from the three Regional Offices concerned is set out from 1999.

    North Thames

    • 1996–97: £3,597,000
    • 1997–98: £3,654,000
    • 1998–99: £3,752,000

    South Thames

    • 1996–97: £3,350,000
    • 1997–98: £3,872,000
    • 1998–99: £3,938,000

    London RO

    • 1999–2000: £4,067,000
    • 2000–01: £4,215,000

    South West RO

    • 1996–97: £1,925,000
    • 1997–98: £1,957,000
    • 1998–99: £2,000,900
    • 1999–2000: £1,807,000
    • 2000–01: £1,867,000


    • 1996–97: £1,709,000
    • 1997–98: £1,737,000
    • 1998–99: £1,783,000
    • 1999–2000: £1,783,000
    • 2000–01: £1,843,000

    West Midlands RO

    • 1996–97: £2,198,000
    • 1997–98: £2,234,000
    • 1998–99: £2,294,000
    • 1999–2000: £2,294,000
    • 2000–01: £2,370,000

    North West RO

    • 1996–97: £2,871,000
    • 1997–98: £2,919,000
    • 1998–99: £2,997,000
    • 1999–2000: £2,997,000
    • 2000–01: £3,102,000

    Northern and Yorkshire RO

    • 1996–97: £2,800,000
    • 1997–98: £3,065,000
    • 1998–99: £3,723,000
    • 1999–2000: £3,025,000
    • 2000–01: £3,168,000

    Eastern Region

    • 1999–2000: £2,450,700
    • 2000–01: £2,603,300

    (Eastern Region was Anglia and Oxford RO up to 1999)

    South East RO

    • 1999–2000: £3,999,200
    • 2000–01: £4,172,000

    (South East Region within South Thames and North Thames RO up to 1999)

    Zimbabwe: Dfid Funding

    asked Her Majesty's Government:For what purposes they allocated £14 million to Zimbabwe in the last financial year; and [HL119]For what purposes the £14 million allocated to Zimbabwe is intended to be used by the government of Zimbabwe in this financial year; and [HL120]For what purposes the £14 million allocated to Zimbabwe is intended to be used by the government of Zimbabwe in the next financial year. [HL121]

    I am writing in reply to your Questions laid before the House on 12 December 2000, I apologise for the delay in answering.You asked Her Majesty's Government the following three questions: for what purpose they allocated £14 million to Zimbabwe in the last financial year; for what purposes the £14 million allocated to Zimbabwe is intended to be used by the Government of Zimbabwe in this financial year; and for what purposes the £14 million allocated to Zimbabwe is intended to be used by the Government of Zimbabwe in the next financial year.Total DfID spend in Zimbabwe in 1999–2000 was £14,029,000. This, however, was rounded to produce the £14 million figure. The actual expenditure by major activity in Zimbabwe for the last financial year (1999–2000) and planned expenditure for the current financial year (2000–01) is best explained in the table which I attach at Appendix 1. The allocation for 2001–02 is £12 million. Major spending activities will be broadly similar to those described for the current financial year.

    Table of actual expenditure by major activity in Zimbabwe for financial years 1999–2000 and 2000–2001
    Appendix 1
    Health and HIV/AIDS prevention£3.5m£6m
    Rural water and sanitation, livelihoods and nongovernmental resettlement£2.6m£4m
    Reform of local government and agricultural services for smallholders.£3.1m£2m
    Governance and human rights£1.3m£0.9m
    Private sector development and privatisation£1.3m£0.7m
    Poverty studies and policy development£0.2m£0.4m
    Aid and Trade Provision£1.5m
    Cyclone Eline humanitarian relief£0.2m