asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they will list those organisations representing victims' groups with which the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission has consulted. [HL178]
It is for the Commission to decide with whom it consults. The Chief Commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission has been asked to write to the noble Lord. A copy of this letter will be placed in the Library.
asked Her Majesty's Government:Which members of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission are also members of the Committee for the Administration of Justice; and when they joined that Committee. [HL255]
I refer the noble Lord to the Answer I gave on 27 November 2000 (Official Report, col. WA 109).
asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they consider that having a majority of members of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission who are members of the Committee on the Administration of Justice is a fair representation of the Northern Ireland community as a whole. [HL283]
The Government are satisfied that the Commissioners, as a group, are representative of the community in Northern Ireland.