asked Her Majesty's Government:What action they are taking to ensure that National Health Service trusts recognise the ethical dimension of good governance in healthcare; and [HL1374]Whether the ethical dimension of health care is addressed in the appraisal procedures of staff in healthcare trusts; and [HL1375]What financial resources they have committed to underpin clinical ethics education among senior clinical staff. [HL 1376]
We published Standards for Better Health in July 2004. Every English National Health Service body including NHS trusts is required to take these into account. The standards, among other things, require them to have systems in place to ensure that staff treat patients, their relatives and carers with dignity and respect; actively support employees to promote openness, honesty, probity, accountability; and challenge discrimination, promote equality and respect human rights.The standards make it clear that patients should receive effective treatment and care that takes into account their individual requirements and meets their physical, cultural, spiritual and psychological needs and preferences.We have also embedded the ethical dimension of healthcare in NHS appraisal procedures. The appraisal system for NHS doctors is structured around the General Medical Council's good medical practice guidance. This covers communication with patients, relationships with colleagues, health and probity. We are developing appraisal systems for other NHS health professional staff as part of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework.Post-registration training needs for NHS staff are decided against local NHS priorities, through appraisal and clinical governance processes. Training needs analyses are informed by local delivery plans and the needs of the service.