asked Her Majesty's Government:How members of the State Veterinary Service and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs inspectors are trained in new legislation, regulations and guidance. [HL1506]
Members of the SVS are trained by a variety of methods dependant on the identified need. In the case of a significant change in legislation, this may include presentations from legal, policy and professional colleagues and from the industry concerned. For more minor changes, on the job training and workshops (which may also include other delivery partners and enforcement agencies) are used.There are a large number of inspectorate functions within Defra and the wider Defra family of organisations, and information on their training regimes is not held centrally.
asked Her Majesty's Government:How long an interval, from the date when legislation, regulations or guidance come into force, is allowed for members of the State Veterinary Service and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs inspectors to become competent in the enforcement of such measures. [HL1507]
For SVS inspectors appropriate training is carried out during the development and introduction of new legislation, regulations, guidance etc. Training must be carried out in a way that ensures they are competent by the time any change is introduced. This means that the training has to be tailored to the change.
There are a large number of inspectorate functions within Defra and the wider Defra family of organisations, and information on their training regimes is not held centrally.
asked Her Majesty's Government:What methods are used to monitor the performance of members of the State Veterinary Service and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs inspectors in enforcing legislation. [HL1508]
All members of the State Veterinary Service (SVS) are subject to the annual appraisal system used throughout Defra to assess competence and performance. This includes in-year reviews and a final written report carried out by an individual's line manager and monitored by the latter's own line manager.There are a large number of inspectorate functions within Defra and the wider Defra family of organisations and their appraisal systems are expected to be broadly similar to that used within the SVS.