Her Majesty's Prison Service and the National Probation Service have today published their annual reports, reporting their performances for 2005-06. The Office for Contracted Prisons has today published its statement of performance. Copies of all the annual reports have been placed in the Library. The Prison Service report and the Office for Contracted Prisons statement of performance include the financial accounts for 2005-06. The financial accounts for the National Probation Service will be published later in the year.
Performance against all the national offender management targets for 2005-06 is shown in the table below.
Annual Target Outturn Public Protection Targets Category A escapes 0 0 Total escapes from prisons and prison escorts Less than 0.05 per cent 0.014 per cent Escapes from Contracted Escorts (NOMS) 1:20,000 1:59,082 Risk of harm assessments, full analyses and Offender Assessment Systems (OASys) sentence plans, including risk management plans, on high/very high risk of harm offenders completed within five working days of commencement of order or release into the community 90 per cent 81 per cent (Aug 05 -Mar 06) Risk of harm screenings/full analyses (as appropriate) and OASys sentence plans completed on prolific and other priority offenders (PPOs) within five working days of the commencement of the order or release into the community 90 per cent 82 per cent (Aug 05 -Mar 06) Supporting the Courts Pre-sentence reports to the magistrates’ courts within the deadline specified by the court 90 per cent 97 per cent (July 05 -Mar 06 Timely arrival at court (NOMS) 85 per cent 82.31 per cent Firm and Fair Punishment Proportion of orders and licences in which the offender complies 85 per cent 81 per cent Breach proceedings initiated within 10 days 90 per cent 91 per cent Self-inflicted deaths Less than 112.8 per 100,000 96.8 per cent Serious assault Less than 1.53 per cent 1.84 per cent Overcrowding (public prisons) Less than 24 per cent 23.7 per cent Overcrowding (contracted prisons) Less than 34.5 per cent 31.3 per cent Helping to Cut Crime Education Awards (Probation Service): Basic Skills starts 40,000 44,972 Education Awards (Probation Service): Basic Skills Awards achieved* 10,000 14,930 Education Awards (Prison): Basic Skills Awards achieved* 56,080 63,925 Education Awards (Prison): Work Skills Awards achieved* 120,000 186,226 Accommodation on release 64,765 77,388 Employment, training and education (ETE) place on release 38,000 42,879 Drug treatment and testing orders/drug rehabilitation requirements completed (Probation) 4,000 3,977 Drug treatment programmes completed (prisons) 5,850 8,011 Mandatory drug tests Less than 11.8 per cent 10.3 per cent Offending behaviour programmes completion (Probation Service) 15,000 7,127 Offending behaviour programmes (Prisons) 7,000 7,942 Of which sex offender treatment programmes 1,240 1,152 Intensive control and change programmes completed 350 270 Contributing to Communities and Society Enhanced community punishment/unpaid work completions 50,000 51,026 Victim contact 85 per cent 93 per cent Organising and Supporting Delivery Staff sickness (public prisons only) Fewer than 11.5 days/person 12.17 Staff sickness (Probation Service) Fewer than nine days/person 12.3 Ethnic-minority staff (public prisons only) At least 6 per cent 5.73 per cent Regionally set employment targets for ethnic-minority staff 8.4 per cent 1.9 per cent Clear proposals in court reports for minority-ethnic offenders 95 per cent 97 per cent * The Learning and Skills Council has contributed to this target by delivering in three development regions.